Saturday 13 April 2024

Fawn and Dandy #fecken 2

Once we hit the bottom of the field, we cross a stile into a small wood then turn left. We follow the path around to the right until we meet a small track which leads us out to the road. It’s then a small incline up a narrow one-track road where we encountered our four-footed friends. Don’t forget that a few hundred years ago this land was all forest without any farms. A short while later, we see a build-up of housing on our left. Gardens are facing out with rooftops protruding over hedges. Then it’s just a small footpath which takes to the other side of these houses and we’re back in suburbia. And it’s amazing how big this estate is. There’s just rows upon rows of houses with large footpaths separating them as we pass through to cut off parts of the road network. It just seems endless.

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