Sunday, 21 April 2024

Descent to the Pub #astoncantlow 3

The field brought us out next to a hen coup with a kissing gate in front of us onto a road. Turning left, we followed the road around the bend heading south-west past some newly built houses, and after passing traditional farm buildings that had also been converted into housing were barns that had been converted into small boutique workshops. There’s also a café here but we weren’t that far from the pub. The road then passed open fields again, and at the second one was a gate on our left. Here, we enter the field where we were re-united with the river again, and we followed the river south until we spotted a gap in the hedge where we crossed the river over a footbridge. We bore south along the next field then exited onto a track alongside some houses which deposited us on a road of built-up housing.


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