Wednesday 24 April 2024

The Pub

It sounds nice, doesn’t it? It’s short, simple, safe and relaxing. It’s somewhere that you’d like to end up at the end of a hard day. You know that there’s not much to worry about while you’re here (unless, of course, you’re in the wrong one and you have to watch out for potential deviants). Keeping the tax the same gives the impression that nothing changes, but the people who run these places still have to adapt to the world outside. Wages will rise, which mean prices will have to rise so that people can still have the same proportionate income that they did before. There’s little sign of any assistance or support. It’s just used as a buzz word. Meanwhile, while there are benefits for working people, everything else is rising so the extra wages are absorbed into coping with these costs while communities are struggling with the cuts in their services.

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