Tuesday 2 April 2024

Long Alcoholic Drinks

Once you google the term and get over the fact that it’s not a young man out for a pint, or kebabs and other things that they may like to spend their money on, you’ll discover that it’s yet another category for the consumer to contend with. I thought a cocktail was a LAD, now it seems that we’re including beer in this category. I suppose that shorts and shots would be in the other. But how do the figures differ with pints and halves (or even thirds, sticks and whatever other measure you may care to bring to the table, even steins?!) And do these figures take off-sales into account? Beer can be drunk quite quickly if need be, but are we now being encouraged to drink more slowly and socially? Is there such a thing as a SAD or SOD or LNAD or SLAD when you bring non-alcoholic drinks into the mix? It’s going to get very confusing as to what you’re referring to.

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