Thursday 2 November 2023

What was it like to be a young calvary soldier chasing Chief Joseph?

It’s the thrill of the chase. You’re all buttoned up in a shiny new uniform being big and tough as you’ve been allocated the task of perusing the enemy. You may feel grown up on your horse while you’re serving your country. You’re full of energy and you’re eager to prove yourself to create a reputation and establish your future. There’s high-speed chases and ambushes to thwart as well as the duty of keeping civilians safe. You may object to the reasons for the chase but you must also fulfil your duty. You might be away for months before you complete the task and the desert may exhaust you first. You’ll be dealing with situations that you haven’t faced before. There’ll be endless landscapes of mountains and cacti without any sign of civilisation. You’ll have to learn to adapt with your group and have to respect your elders to learn some experience. You’ll have to do away with luxuries that you once took for granted, and you’ll ned to conserve your resources.

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