Saturday 25 November 2023

Sunset for a White Van Man

It’s not what you expect to see when you’re out delivering at night. It’s nice that you can take the time to enjoy these moments. I found this while driving a route out of Banbury towards some villages. Sometimes it’s nice to take the scenic route back, especially when you’re ahead of your schedule. I spotted it as I turned a corner and there was a small dirt layby, so I parked up and rolled down the window. Just below me through the wire fence was a drop onto a hill. It was nice to see just fields and hills, even though there was a motorway down there somewhere and a farm building in the immediate vicinity. It was like watching an evil eye move down behind the horizon. I did send the picture to a few people but I didn’t hear back, either because it was late or that they were jealous that I was allowed out.

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