Sunday 5 November 2023

Pull the Other One

It’s a dark road. It’s not easy to get to. There’s a line of cars parked either side, with room for just one vehicle to squeeze through the middle. Everyone’s at home and there’s no driveways to park on. Amazingly, this street isn’t a one-way one. It wasn’t a big item that was being delivered so it was easier to park up and walk down with it rather than run the risk. But was it really needed in the first place? Who knows. All I know is that they’ve paid for a man in a van to deliver it. I’m not sure what was in the package, and there was a chance that no-one in the household knew what it was either. You’d expect a light to be on and someone looking out for you. But then again, the technology was down at our end. They might not have had an idea that I was coming, or that today was the day.


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