Thursday 23 November 2023

Upon Reflection #clent 8

This is quite a mysterious thing to find on the top of a hill, though it’s not that uncommon. There’s quite a few stone circles set up on crests of hills, and I’ve even seen druids undergo rituals at some of them, and we might even have interrupted the process. But here there’s just picnickers and a drone in the background. I wonder if they’ve come to film my own ritual amongst the sandstone? I could just be doing my daily exercises. It’s certainly an inspiring spot. I wonder if the stones were originally bigger or greater in number and that they’ve been weathered away by the wind over time. Will they still be the same height and width in a hundred years? There’s more likely to be nicked. It looks like my left pocket is being targeted. Maybe the droid is coming down for a snatch of the contents. Still, at least there’s a dog nearby to try and chase it for me.

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