Saturday 4 November 2023

Book Brothers #dreamdiary 165

My brother wants to get into the Harry Potter books. The only problem is that he can’t find the time to do it. I suggest a weekend away where we can just plough through them in a variety of backgrounds. We book up a hotel and we discover that the block that we’re staying in has an upstairs communal kitchen with a balcony that looks onto the grounds. We decide to grab some food to microwave. My brother has bought toad-in-the-hole but he’s eaten most of the yorkshire pudding. I’ve bought a family-sized one along with extra sausages and a tin of baked beans. We head to the kitchen. I just hope that there’s more than one microwave. The following day, we’re back at school and everyone’s amazed that there’s been a festival on school grounds. Everyone’s fascinated by the different beer cans that are lying around. We lie back in deckchairs and examine each can before passing it on. 

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