Thursday 16 November 2023

The Simpsons

While times have changed slightly since the airing of the first episode, this family hasn’t (apart from the unrealistic strangling). A huge variety of topics have been covered alongside an unrealistic approach which conveniently all seems to reset for the following week. It’s a show that’s not afraid to address the issues, even its own ownership and origin stories to keep its characters contemporary. There’s even been some odd predictions which have come true. Some themes have been repeated, albeit with different characters. Often there have been too many flashback clip episodes, though this format has been used less in recent years. It’s a shame that the show didn’t address the worldwide lockdown, though it did go through one lockdown of its own. But there have been some startling character developments, some of which are permanent and some we’re not so sure about since it ruins the demeanour of the original character. But it’s always good for a short situational laugh where nothing changes.

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