Monday 20 November 2023

Drawing the Line #dreamdiary 166

I’m on a coach to a wedding party. We’re all dressed up in grey waistcoats and shiny shoes. The church is in the middle of the countryside. I’m the first on the coach and I can beg myself a backseat where I can stretch out. Because of this, I’m the last one off the coach. As we file in, I hear a scream coming from an adjacent field. I head out to investigate and see a woman standing in a cornfield dressed in funeral attire. Some of her face is in the form of a skull and flashes from grey to colour. A fine line is being drawn as she tells me that she’s trying to decide whether her alliance is to good or to evil. As she steps closer to me, the world around me seems to grow brighter, but it also seems more unreal as if everything is being drawn around me.

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