Tuesday 14 November 2023

Have you ever applauded an act of vigilante justice?

Yes. While it might not be the right way to solve things, our authorities aren’t always there especially when we want them to, but it’s good to see that’s someone’s standing up for justice. There’s often very little that the authorities can do to ensure that justice is served anyway nowadays. There’s too many laws that protect people when they commit offences. And if you do get involved, there’s a good chance that you could also be prosecuted despite doing the right thing. The key is not to take it too far. You need to make a point that someone has been wronged and that the offender needs to be corrected in return. But you might have to take it to a level where the offender becomes offended, and this could be taking things too far. You need to have the courage to end the situation safely or not let things escalate until the authorities arrive.

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