Tuesday 21 November 2023

Mapping it Out #clent 7

I love maps. They’re not just a plan of where everything is, they help you to discover interesting places; especially if you see a footpath or sign as you’re passing as it helps you to decide if these areas are worth your time exploring and where the best parts are. They generally try to be to scale but you often have to orientate yourself and find landmarks to ensure that you’re heading in the right direction. Ordnance Survey may cover everything but often in too much detail and it’s hard to see everything on the same spot so a compass or GPS device is ideal when you have a choice of different paths. Sometimes it’s hard to determine if a trail has a right of way so you’ve got to know how to use this equipment. Handing a map to someone who hasn’t got a clue of where they started isn’t going to be much help.

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