Monday 13 November 2023

A Sense of Achievement #clent 3

 It’s nice to have a change of scenery. And when you’re at the top of something, it feels like you’re at your best as everything is underneath you, even though you’ve still got a challenge to get yourself back down again. But take the time in your achievement and enjoy it while you’re there. You might get a reality check that there’s a higher place in sight, and it may put how much work you have to do into perspective. But the achievement feels greater if there’s fewer people around you. They’re waiting to congratulate you as you come back down as they can’t get there themselves. Or maybe they’re awaiting your safe return. But if you’re looking at a road with a bus stop the achievement is somehow ruined, especially if people can see how easy it is to get there. They want to see the journey to put things into perspective.

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