Friday 24 November 2023

Sitting in a Lawn Chair with your eyes closed

It’d be nice to hear birds chirping, maybe a sheep communication with its companions in the distance followed by a hearty moo. Sadly, I’m more likely to hear engines overrevving as they tear down the distant road, echoing some drum and bass if they’re nearby. I do get to hear some wildlife though. There’s overstuffed pigeons cooing as they approach the garden to consider venturing in to scavenge for food. There’s angry dogs defending their territory and cats mewing loudly trying to attract the attention of someone to let them into the house. Occasionally you’ll hear an owl howling at the confusion of all this noise going on as they’re trying to get some kip. There’s the sound of neighbours closing their car doors where they’re sealed off from the outside world in an environment better protected than in a house, and you might catch a snippet of conversation first. Sometimes you can hear a train echoing through the valley as it approaches the station. Welcome to the sounds of suburbia.

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