Monday, 31 October 2022
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Chasing the Dot
Most times, the Amazon man likes to deliver to us at night. It’s probably because of the new depot built just outside our town. I’d like to think it’s because that they deliver to the furthest addresses first and work their way back, but I’ve seen them deliver to neighbourhoods just around the corner from mine early on in the morning. When you’re given a delivery date, you don’t necessarily receive a time as well until the day of delivery. That means that if you’re out for the day, you’ve got to leave your safe spot unlocked for the whole of the day, which can be a bit inconvenient if you’re not going to be around. As the driver, it also means that you’ve got to drive around at night in an area that you’re not necessarily familiar with. But when I’m tracking the driver with the app, it looks like they drive through several districts during the delivery period before they reach my address. I’m wondering how many local customers do they serve and whether it would be better to offer a local pickup point?
Saturday, 29 October 2022
The Power of a Brick
Friday, 28 October 2022
I Have Truss Issues
So what do I really think of the new Prime Minister. Well, apart from being mini, she’s certainly got her work cut out. She’s certainly got her guts to run the country and is doing whatever it takes to keep it afloat. It’s also a very hectic tome for her since she practically had to shut the government down days after her official appointment because of the loss of the Queen. Since then, there’s been a lot of instability as everyone is rushing to protect their vaults against the drop in the financial markets. What we really need is someone with balls on the international scale who’s willing to take the country to war to preserve the values we have rather than to accommodate us because of an occurring situation that we hope will go away soon. We need someone who’s going to lead us into a new future rather than someone who’s trying to preserve everything.
Thursday, 27 October 2022
Under the Sea
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
At some stage in the Marvel universe, you get to a stage where the characters break down the fourth wall and launch interactive soliloquies with the audience. This is one such series which starts off well then really takes it to the cleaners in the finale which doesn’t make for much of a dramatic ending apart from all the characters sitting around living happily ever after with any sense of conflict forgotten. The writers have tried to be as creative as possible to make it clear that it’s a TV show, even with the addition of a classic hulk opening scene in one of the opening sequences. It’s great that the series challenges the role of a traditional superhero. It’s also referred to as a ‘comedy law show’ and there’s plenty of references to that too. There’s also some entertaining appearances from a few other MCU characters and it’s nice to see what some of these characters have been up to.
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Paw Patrol
Monday, 24 October 2022
"My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind."
-Jack Nicklaus.
It’s nice when you’ve got wise friends who are willing to
help you out. If you treat everything like a gift, then you’re much likely to reciprocate
in return. Sometimes you might not get the opportunity to return a favour, and
the only way to resolve that and keep a clean conscious is to pass the gift
onto another person. This might appeal to the more adventurous person who wants
to make new friends, but it’s a good way of exploring the world you by sharing
experiences. It might take a while to move all those stones, and not everyone
will be happy about it as you wander into other people’s territory, especially
if you don’t put the stones back how you found them. But if you have no fear,
does that mean that you don’t care what others may think of you? It doesn’t
sound very civil at all.
Sunday, 23 October 2022
Through the Doors
Saturday, 22 October 2022
What Happens If Putin Nukes London?
People outside of the M25 will rejoice. We’ll be free of all that focus within the concrete carpark. Our taxes (if we decide to have them) will go into our own projects that do our local community some good rather than pay some expensive politician to waste our resources to keep his car running and his second house clean. We may even branch off and form our own tribes and civilisations. We’ll be able to construct some sort of power plant out of the remaining nuclear waste to supply the nearby towns and cities for the next fifty years or so. The north will suddenly become popular despite the cold, and Scotland will be a lot more attractive. A lot of historical relics will be lost, but the idea of it will continue to be remembered through the internet. And a lot of people will be upset and will be speaking to other countries about retaliating before popping over to do something about it.
Friday, 21 October 2022
Yorkshire's Real Heritage Pubs by David Gamston

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Thursday, 20 October 2022
What makes a good friendship? What can you get out of this human connection? How do you decide the criteria for a friend? Is it someone that you can manipulate easily and take advantage of what they have to offer? Is it someone that you enjoy spending time with and share similar interests? Is it someone that can help you with your problems? Hopefully it’s someone with a combination of all of the above unless you keep relationships with specific people for specific reasons. Do you value someone who’s resourceful and can get you places for the best price (if anything at all) or do you value someone’s companionship because they make you feel warm or loved? Is there someone who feels that way towards you but you don’t return it? Maybe there’s someone out there with a combination of all of these elements. How long do friendships last? When do people drift away? Is it because they’ve found something that’s better suited to them? Has an argument taken place and can it be resolved with gifts, apologies and forgiveness?
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Brick Live!
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
I Like the Way you Move #dreamdiary 141
I’m catching a bus to a meeting with my school crush. I’ve got no idea why she wants to come to this meeting, but I’m delighted with her company. Along our journey to the bus stop, I bump into someone used to go to these meetings. We stop to chat, but my girl carries onto the bus station. After five minutes, I explain that I need to catch up with her. I run to the bus station where the departures are laid out like trains. I head to the stairs and the steps are that narrow that I’m able to slide over the edges of them as if I’m surfing. I pay for my day ticket on the bus and it departs but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she’s realised what she’s getting into and she’s made her escape. Or maybe she’s getting on with my friend at the next stop.
Monday, 17 October 2022
Work Improvements
Sunday, 16 October 2022
Call for Help
In theory, your smart speaker is supposed to help you, even though it’s got no arms or legs. So when you ask it for help that involves a physical presence, you’d think that it would be able to summon someone physical in an emergency. Apparently, this needs setting up. I’m discovering this only now after three years of ownership. You’d have thought that as well as an e-mail prompt, this would be part of the set-up process. It could mention it as one of those ‘by the way’ messages you receive when you’ve finished attempting to make it do something else. It’s also supposed to be linked to your phone, but I haven’t received a single notification about setting up emergency contacts. And now that I’ve discovered this function, there doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the app that provides this feature anymore, despite there still being a listing for it on the website. Stupid machine.
Saturday, 15 October 2022
We’re on a mission to get back home. We’re trying not to
sleep during the day but it’s a long flight. Our
flight has landed on time in the evening, but unfortunately we have to stay the
course and wait for our appointed bus to turn up to take us in the direction of
home. There’s not much of a glorious place to wait. There’s a makeshift portacabin
with a couple of plastic chairs. We could have waited inside the airport, but
we’ve just spent all day inside a metal cylinder tube breathing in artificial
air and we want to feel something fresh on our faces, even if it’s diesel
smoke-stained air. Our bus arrives, but we’re travelling back at night and I
have to deal with a frail old lady who’s sitting cold and just wants to get
home. I’ve also got to summon a taxi to collect us once our bus reaches its
Friday, 14 October 2022
Bretell's Barn
He’s tall, loud, nearly bold, and fearless, and doesn’t let anyone stand in the way of what he wants to do, not even his partner. This makes him very confident, but also boisterous and stubborn at times. He likes him solidarity which is why he lives in the middle of the countryside. He can switch off when he wants to. He’s an easy person to read though and you can watch the stress build up in him. He’s been to some very remote places, and he has an ambition to travel to every city in the world regardless of cost, method or status which has resulted in some great trips to some very strange areas. I suppose that when you live in the countryside, anything can happen. There’s floods to deal with, visits from sheep who live in the neighbouring field, and watching your pet house rabbit invite a duck into the living room. And I’ve never seen so many pictures of a wall.
Thursday, 13 October 2022
Behind Bars
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Tales of the Top #vampress 10
I’m sorry to hear of the problems that you’re having in your town. Something strange is happening here also. A few nights ago in the mist, my father said he saw some strange new landmass arise during the night. He and his fellow sailors could hear a woman giggling as well, but they could not work out where the voice came from. The next day, a new house had settled at the bottom of the cliffs. It stood on its own landmass but it was not there before. All the locals gathered around. How could such a house arrive in the middle of the night? And how would people approach it to make house calls? The only logic was if a boat had got stranded with a house built on top, but that still didn’t explain the new land that surrounded it. As the people watched on the cliffs above, a rumbling began.
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Magnet Power
Monday, 10 October 2022
It’s all very well building a new super building with attractive parkland outside of it but you need some decent components to fill it with. It’s no good preparing to rent out the space if you haven’t got anyone interested. And that’s not going to look good for the locals, especially if you’ve disrupted their lives by digging up the road and amending the facilities and routes that your new building requires. You’re going to need to advertise your building to get people interested to support your project. Everyone’s going to want their name on the outside regardless of whether they’re adjacent to the window or not. You also need to be able to get people to and from your building unless it’s a very exclusive one. The items on the roof look a bit ugly though. You could build a fake roof in front of it to hide it all.
Sunday, 9 October 2022
Faster than the Speed of Magnets
I’m waiting to board the fastest train in the world! For something’s
that so high-profile, I’m amazed that there aren’t greater security screening
facilities compared to what else that we’ve experienced in China. Amazingly, it
doesn’t seem that crowded. I wonder how many people use this as part of their
daily commute or what the fare is. Once we got going, it didn’t seem that much faster
than any other high-speed train that I’ve been on. Perhaps it’s because the
outside world is placed further away from the track. There’s not much to see. A
lot of us are focusing on the passenger information board that tells us our
current speed, but it’s easily plausible that someone could have just typed
text in. inside, it’s just like any other train carriage on the planet. I wonder
how often it gets delayed. Apart from a regular humming noise because of the
magnets, it’s very hard to spot the difference.
Saturday, 8 October 2022
Beans in a Box
I wanted to get my niece a present. The item that I got cost a little less than what I’d wanted to spend, so I decided to get some Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans to go with it. I originally wanted some chocolate frogs but I knew that the present would be gifted while she was on holiday so there was a could chance that they would melt. The generation that grew up watching Harry Potter is aging now so these sweets are becoming harder to find at retailers. Perhaps they’re taking longer to sell or maybe there’s a government-imposed sugar tax that’s driven the price up. The pandemic may also have had its part to play. The only way that I could track them down was through an order service on eBay. This didn’t fill me with confidence since anything could have been done to them or they could have been disguised to look like sweets. I didn’t receive any complaints about them so I assumed that all was well.
Friday, 7 October 2022
Buddha's Buddies
Thursday, 6 October 2022
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing"
-Albert Einstein.
It’s annoying when people ask you too many questions. In one
way it’s flattering because they’re trying to tap you for your knowledge and
experience while attempting to eliminate their helplessness, but in another way
it demonstrates that they’re not prepared to take risks and find out for
themselves, and that you’re doing all the hard work for them while they don’t
even try. At some point you’ve got to tell them that you don’t have all the
answers, and that even though you’re saving time for them, they’re wasting time
for you, though if you’ve got time to waste than that’s great. They may be curious,
but they’ve got to figure it out for themselves. Life doesn’t come with an
instruction manual, and literally any component can malfunction at any time as there’s
just too much maintenance to keep things in optimum condition That manual would
be enormous. The troubleshooting section alone would take ages to reference to
a standard format that would comply with everything.
Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Beer Breaks by Tim Webb
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 4 October 2022
Lost Boys
This is a classic 80’s film full of fun teen references, though it could have been a lot darker. Its introduction becomes surprisingly fun without being too gory, and, with the exception of the supporting vampires, contains some great characters with cheesy catchphrases. There’s some early appearances from some well-known stars and if you don’t know their name you’ve certainly seen them in something else. I was quite surprised when one character wasn’t the head vampire only to be contradicted later. It’s great that the setting is a holiday resort which explains why some kids are getting far more responsibility than they should be and it’s easier to disguise disappearances. It’s set in an age that some of the acts are so outrageous that society just doesn’t know how to react. It becomes a little too comic as to what can be gotten away with. It could have been a lot darker, but it certainly makes vampires look cool. Now I know what that reference in The Big Bang Theory was.
Monday, 3 October 2022
The Last Pagoda
Sunday, 2 October 2022
Treehouse #dreamdiary 140
We’re in a house in the trees! It’s a huge structure built around a set of sturdy redwoods. There’s loads of bedrooms each with its own theme and there’s even a slide from the top floor leading into a private pool. Because the house is so vast, it has its own camera system so that parents can keep track of where the kids are. The bedrooms consist of bunk beds that are mounted high on the wall and have a huge floor space for playing in. The rooms are painted white with woodland colours and murals. He kitchen has a snakes and ladders theme. The whole building is a smart house which can be accessed by a white egg-shaped tablet in each room, or it can be streamed to a smart device. There’s quiet rooms for the parents with relaxing lunges and TVs while the kids play on the rope course outside. It’s a house that you’ll never want to leave.
Saturday, 1 October 2022
Party Priests
There’s a lot going on here. There’s a whole gathering in
the tower, but oddly they’re looking at what’s in front of them rather than
down at us to judge us. I doubt if there are any deity statues that allow you
to look down on them (unless it’s placed on a cliff face). While the golden one
applauds what’s in front of him, the tin one on the bottom left looks as if he’s
asking to see your ticket. The guy in the middle is his back-up bouncer and he’s
got a ninja impregnated in his stomach who’s ready to jump out if there’s any
trouble. the guy behind him looks a bit more noble, perhaps he’s the manager. The
guy on the right is the Sergeant-at-Arms who’s attempting to hide the guy
behind him who’s clearly in party mode. It must be a captivating show. There’s
even a baby with a beard who’s enjoying it.