Wednesday 22 December 2021

Why are Machines getting Thicker?

Last month, Alexa decided to stop reading my emails. While I thank her for not invading my privacy, I still find it strange that there’s no option to allow this to continue and that the decision has been taken for me without giving me any choice in the matter. It might have been nice for her to give me more notice too. Some people might even depend on this service, such as those who have difficulty with sight; and this could be a major blow for people with sight problems. You’d think that technology would move forward rather than backwards. Perhaps the complexity of emails meant that Alexa struggled between text and graphics and read out binary code when attempting to describe pictures. Or perhaps people weren’t listening to the whole e-mail and skipped over vital information. More importantly, we don’t know why this feature has been suspended. Perhaps Alexa is getting too clever for her own good. 

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