Saturday 25 December 2021

Pissing around the Platform

My friend wanted to visit this place in memory of his dad. It’s a bit of the way out from the town, and it’s a shame that he didn’t mention it sooner as we could have made it the first stop on the bus and everyone could have visited. We walked down a wooden corridor of steps and onto the platform. As it was, the buffet bar was closed for the afternoon as it was preparing for an evening event. We had a look through the window, and it looked nicely preserved. A terminating train came in and my friend located the buffet car and persuaded the guard to sell us a couple of bottles. We walked around watching passing trains with plastic cups but it didn’t feel right. A few months later, I recognise the station’s entrance right away on a TV show and identify the station before confirming it on the closing credits. ‘I’ve been there’ I say. 

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