Friday 3 December 2021

Profit Procurers

We made an impressive bit of profit from the shop. Not bad considering we’d only make a pound or two off each customer. The main thing that we have to work out is what we’d make the money from as we’d be billed for the items that aren’t returned to the warehouse. We’d keep a separate till for the beer tokens so that wouldn’t be an issue, and we’d try to update our inventory every time we sold an item but it’s hard to keep track of everything when it gets busy. This year we had surplus inventory anyway so we had to label up our own boxes so that it would be accountable to the warehouse and I even took photographic proof just in case there were any issues between the courier and the warehouse. Luckily, both the treasurer and the warehouse accepted the figures that I supplied. They didn’t query them and I had to chase them to acknowledge it to be certain that I could wash my hands of it.

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