Wednesday 8 December 2021

"Some days you learn from a book; other days you learn from hours of practice; and then there are the times you're so embarrassed by something you know you'll never do it again."

-Michael Phelps.

Everybody learns in different ways. You might take a philosophical approach, or you might need some practice or practical education to home your craft. You might be a good footballer but you might need a certain mindset to become a great one which might be something that you can’t gain in the field. Or you might be brilliant at absorbing information but you need the co-ordination to put it into practice during a training session before you can use it. But people should also learn from their mistakes. Sometimes there’s no manual for the task that you want to do (or at least not at the time) and you have to work out the best way to complete the task yourself. You might even want to approach others to ask or even pay for their experience and skills. But there are also things that you wouldn’t want to do again and hopefully you can take steps to avoid them in the future. 

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