Tuesday 28 December 2021

What I Really Believe

I believe in Christmas trees. There’s something magical about them but you can’t expect them to materialise on their own. I believe in true love and that the world can be a bleak place if you don’t attempt to seek out companionship. I believe that the world is full of cruelty and hardship and that it’s our duty to shape it otherwise, and that it’s down to each individual to find their own path and create their success. I believe that if you want something, you’ve got to put the effort in to obtain it and don’t rely on others to do it for you. You might need to acquire their experience and expertise but ultimately it’s down to you to make it happen. I believe that COVID isn’t a natural phenomenon but no-one’s going to own up to such devastation. I believe that there’s a lot more that we can do to protect our planet but governments need to lead the way by dictating how we act rather than creating taxes and forcing companies to put prices up. 

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