Saturday 11 December 2021

Purity Bunny Hop at Pure Craft Bar and Kitchen, Birmingham

It’s quite a loud and modern bar, and its exterior is quite deceiving from what’s inside, almost as if you’ve stepped into a prohibition era. The tables are long and are set up like a beer hall to encourage groups and people to congregate together rather than smaller groups of individuals. It’s all about a sharing experience. There’s a mixture of bright lights placed over tables and dimmed gangways so that everything blends into the background once you’re seated to allow you to focus on your party. Overhead are sets of giant pipes to give the impression that you’re underneath some giant industrial machine. Sadly, the beer is overpriced compared to where it’s served elsewhere, but you’re paying for the location and atmosphere as well as the product. I purchase my beer separate to the group as I’m only here for the beer. My tour is ending as my company’s party is beginning.

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