Monday 6 December 2021

If I was Brave enough...

I’d like to do the things I regret not doing. Completing one more activity to check off my list rather than leaving it for next time. It might take a little more time and energy but at least I’d feel more productive. Instead, I curl up into a little ball and hide myself from the world, doing only what I feel is safe rather than risking something new. I'd take more risks. I'd cram in as much as I can to see what I can get away with. I'll avoid paying that train fare and see if anyone does come round to check my ticket. I'd stand up and say no more often, whether it's a customer insisting on me giving them a refund for a product that I know that they’ve misused, or saying no to completing a task that I shouldn't really be doing.  I’d say not to an event that someone asks me to attend. I'll get into fights more. That may sound a bit vicious, but when you get picked on you need to stand up for yourself and face the consequences no matter what they are, and never take the easy path to let injustice get the better of you.

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