Tuesday 14 December 2021

The stonemaid #empress 9

Zhong wondered off down the passage. It was at least a square forty feet. Along the way, lanterns had hastily been fixed into the sides and workmen were on ladders hoisting buffers into place. They looked at him as he passed but saw him no more than a man on his way to complete a job. After all, what harm could he do to the empress? Occasionally, a cart would pass carrying manure. As Zhong progressed, he passed more workers shovelling the manure to the sides as it looked like they were awaiting an empty cart. Zhong kicked himself as he realised that if he had waited longer, he could have hitched a ride on an empty one. The passageway grew wider and wider, until one time it opened up into a giant hole where daylight poured in. As he passed underneath, he saw the occasional dweller peek over the edge above. 

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