Friday 10 December 2021

What is your "I can't believe that happened on our vacation" event?

It’s not so much a specific event in so much as something happened, it’s more how people react when they’re on holiday. It’s time to explore and you might find yourself venturing into somewhere that you normally wouldn’t have the courage to think about. And because you’re not local and you know you’re leaving, you might think it’s OK for someone else to sort out your mess. It’s great that people switch off and forget about the outside world, but there’s still people to interact with which needs consideration. It’s great if you’re having a good time but it’s not so good if your actions are wrecking other people’s experiences. The world doesn’t just stop because you’re in a different place. It’s as if all the senses of the mind have fled. I suppose it’s in the wording of the first two syllables of the word. That said, some trips do change people and they learn important lessons. It’s up to them whether they apply them when they return home. 

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