Saturday 18 December 2021

Coffee Shop #dreamdiary 122

I’m inside the tower of an historic building. Inside, the walls are of a straight grey with no signs of brickwork at all. In the centre is a large hole with blue rope ladders to ascend to the lower floor. At the bottom is plush seating and to one side is a counter with a glass top and a table to the side. Beyond this is a large barista coffee machine. It all seems very odd that this is here. Surely there must be some kind of service door to allow people to come and go or even for the coffee shop to take deliveries. There’s a large set of brown double doors to the left but they’re firmly bolted. Maybe I’ve arrived too early. Suddenly a thin silvery-blonde woman wearing a green apron pops up from behind the counter. ‘What would you like?’ she asks. I ask for the way out.    

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