Friday 24 December 2021

Seated Self-Righteousness

 A slightly athletic bald older man approaches with white sideburns. He tries to keep himself in shape but suffers slight mobility problems owing to old age. He walks around slowly with a sense of ownership of everything and self-righteousness. His head is a perfect egg with stuck-out ears to receive the smallest of remarks which he tries to translate as smuttily as possible. He speaks slowly in an entitled voice about topics fifty years ago as if it’s current news and likes to keep an eye out on everyone. Be prepared for a long and drawn-out conversation at the most inappropriate of times with plenty of slow guffaws. Occasionally he’ll venture some interesting information, usually scouted out from Facebook. He’s always got something to say on everything and would rather be a critic than part of the solution. He’s someone that you’d really enjoy watching them trying to squirm themselves out of a sticky situation and see justice being served.

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