Wednesday 1 December 2021

Product Range

I’m amazed by what we sell at the festival. For example, it’s the middle of summer and we’ve managed to sell three beanie hats. Maybe these people are starting their gift shopping early just like they get up early in the morning. Or maybe they’re off their head and they’ll buy anything for a bit of fun and festival spirit. Some of the old beer guides go alongside the current ones and occasionally people like to haggle but we do have a cost price and a recommended price that’s set by our distributors. Sometimes they set discounts if the customer’s a member and occasionally they’ll be some clearance bargains. Sometimes we’re able to sell festival staff shirts that people have donated or take orders for shirts if we run out and people are desperate to have them delivered. There used to be a greater range of merchandise like umbrellas that may come in handy but we don’t really want to jinx it!

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