Thursday 23 December 2021

Northern Star at the Needle & Pin, Loughborough

Once we’d finished at Wetherspoons, it was time to cross the road and head all the way into the next pub. But why use the pelican crossing 100 yards down the road when you can stagger across a busy bus route? Once we’d made it safely inside, we found that other members of our party had beaten us to it. We ignore our surrounds for a moment to take in the bar. It’s located in a tiny corridor at the far end of the building. Four ales sit on top of an exposed brick wall separated only by polished cuts of beech. There’s a nearby bookshelf but the point of interest is the beers on the keg T-bar. One of these beers is brewed in our home town, yet this pub, which is sixty miles away from the brewery, is the first pub that we’ve come across that has it available. We sit on the small pew and put our feet up under the tiny tables to ponder this. 


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