Sunday 17 November 2019

Vouch for your Vouchers

It’s great that companies are offering vouchers for future purchases when you make that big spend. But you must be careful of the terms and conditions. The key one to watch out for is the expiry date. Nowadays, if you buy something that’s less than the voucher, the remainder of the balance usually expires as well. If you’re struggling to find something to spend your voucher on, a wise investment would be to to buy something that’s just over the voucher limit on the very last day. Usually you’ll be covered by the retailer’s equivalent of a guarantee in case you change your mind. That way you can trade the item in for something that you do want. And if you still haven’t made your mind up you can trade your item in for store credit on the last day of the guarantee. You’ll usually find that this credit note will last a lot longer than the term of the voucher.

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