Tuesday 12 November 2019

Grog Glasses

When do you think that you’ve had enough? For me it’s when the world becomes blurry. It’s not just when the booze kicks in; it also happens when I’m tired. But in others you only have to look at their face to see how they’re coping. They may not be ready to admit it themselves; but their big idiotic grinning faces and wonky eyes gives it away. Speech is also a factor especially if it’s slurred; but you must bear in mind that the person may have a disability that causes them to act that way anyway. The same goes for movement. They might grasp their drinks tighter like children as if someone may snatch their treat away from them at any moment. They may be a bit wobbly on their feet especially when music is involved. It’s when the mind is willing but the body can’t cope that situations get interesting.

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