Sunday 10 November 2019

Making Waves

I find it strange that some people are afraid of going in the sea. If it’s calm then there’s no chance at all of being swept out. I could understand if they can’t swim but if the water is calm then surely they’d dip their toe in for a bit of a paddle. Sometimes dipping your toe in is all you need to convince the rest of your body to take the plunge. And once you’re in, it’s easier to convince a friend to come and join you. Then you can literally make waves with those around you; whether it’s cooling each other or racing each other back to the shore. Or if you’re really up for throwing caution to the wind, why not indulge in your very own water aerobics? Be careful though, some may think you’re doing your own rendition of YMCA and may want to join in albeit with the wrong idea.

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