Thursday 14 November 2019

Crossed Wires

I’ve always had communication problems with my Uncle. When I speak to him, he seems a kind-hearted intelligent soul; but there are gaps that slip through probably on account of my early hearing problems. I’ve also been a bit too honest in the past which has lowered his opinion of me; probably when I dropped off some gifts and stated that I was only delivering as I was passing anyway with no tact. There was also a hint that we should play golf together. My concern was that my ability was way below his; however I thought that he was contacting me and he thought that the same of me and it never transpired. The only hint that we heard that it may be happening was through our female relatives. However, in later years, I’m not the only one in his family that has been neglected. Concern only seems to occur when we’re out of the country.

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