Friday 29 November 2019

Second Breakfast Prep #devilsdaughter7

Luke stirred. He felt smaller than usual until he’d realised that the bed that he’d been sleeping on had broke during the night. He’d remember that he’d been locked out and that a luscious lady had invited him to call room service but they’d ended up doing other things. He could hear water running from the bathroom next door. Perhaps he should treat the lady to a few things to say his thanks as they departed. Breakfast and a morning stroll around the shops perhaps. Then Lucinda entered the room and he felt really small.  
‘Oh good, you’re up’ she said. ‘They don’t really make towels in my size so I just end up using the bedsheets.’ The floor creaked as she reached for a corner of the bed. He revelled in the view that was in front of him. Had she gotten even bigger?
Lucinda caught him looking. ‘Would you like to go for another round? I don’t have to check out until twelve.’

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