Wednesday 6 November 2019

Monkey Mother

I’d love to spend an afternoon dozing away in a hammock. It’d have to be a luxury one or one with a padded cushion if it’s one of those cheap net jobs. And it would have to be somewhere solitary where no-one can roll you out. A hot climate would be ideal because then you wouldn’t have to worry too much about leaving the hammock out overnight. Of course, you’ll need a drink to stay refreshed but the question is where do you put it? Do you hang onto your vessel numbingly tight? Can you make use of a barstool or an extra-tall table? Even then you would to lean over and run the risk of tumbling out. What you need is a cup holder that’s ideally built into your armrest or in between your legs. And how about some speakers and a small screen? Before you know it, you’ve transformed your hammock into a pod similar to that of a long-haul first-class flight.

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