Sunday 24 November 2019

Acorn Darkness at The Rising Sun, Redditch

There’s some right drudgers that work at my local chain pub. It’s clear that they’re only there for the money and not for the experience in the hospitality sector, and I wonder sometimes how they ever passed an interview. There’s a blonde who never smiles but she’s slowly seeing me as a regular. I’m tempted to ask her for a pint and a smile but she’s been known to exercise her right refuse people service if they get too flirty. Then there’s the foreigner who’s also stern but don’t give him a large order or he’ll forget it. Finally, there’s the scrawny duty manager who always looks as if he’s only in it for the money and I wonder what would happen if a situation arose where he had to manage. It’s a shame because there used be some gorgeous barmaids who always smiled and were happy for a chat and a flirt. But to be honest, the main reason that I go there is to try the cheap, differing ales.

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