Monday 18 November 2019

The Annual Attempt

Me and a friend have an ambition to play an 18-hole golf course. Every year we get ready and do some training by having a day at the driving range followed by a quick game of pitch and putt. The next step is to play a full nine-hole course. By this time, it’s August and we’re still pretty shitty and not ready to play a full course. We both work irregular shifts and it’s worse for my mate as he’s a farmer so when the weather’s good he’s called into action however late the hour is. I’m also worried that the local course might finish him off as it’s right in the middle of a valley. What we ideally need is somewhere that’s nice and flat with good accessibility to a golf cart that doesn’t mind a couple of amateurs playing at their own place. Such a place would be hard to come by and might be expensive too, which is why need to up our skill level.

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