Saturday 30 November 2019


Life from another world has finally arrived. They’ve dropped scout ships into the atmosphere; and they’ve just skimmed across the sea to the first landmass that they could find. They’ve managed to balance themselves atop three sticks that were conveniently stuck into the beach for a rest. Then daylight broke and ape-like creatures began appearing all over the place. What would be the next best thing to do? Should they beam them up for analysis? They could do that so long as it was discreet so as not to draw attention to themselves. They’re presently not posing a threat. Should they go and explore? But how would the apes react? Would they become hostile? It would be far better to wait until there were fewer of them. But how long will that be? A plan needs to be devised so that we can react to their reactions. Until then, it’s a stand-off.

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