Saturday 23 November 2019

Shoud I Stay or Should I go?

You really need to look at the pros and cons of each job. Why do you want to leave your current job? Is it because of low pay; not enough hours; or is it a different career? Is it easier or harder to travel to your new job?  Or maybe it’s because you don’t enjoy the job, your colleagues or your work environment, but you hang in there because it’s a secure one. The problem that your current employer faces is that they must find someone else to replace you; and the fact that they want you to stay shows that they do value your contribution to the team. There’s absolutely no harm in showing your current boss your new deal; providing that you can trust them in confidence. You may want to keep the new employer anonymous so that they don’t have any opportunity to sabotage your job offer. The easiest way to do this is to make a comparative list of the benefits and present this to your current employer. If they’re serious about upgrading your current employment status; get them to put this in writing. Don’t forget that it’s your decision and not theirs.

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