Monday 11 November 2019

Back in Time #dreamdiary 80

I’m back at university and I’m studying the history of the word. It’s the first lecture of the semester and everything seems to be a bit of a rush. My professor starts off with a talk about the course then halfway through he decides to test our knowledge and throws in a paper for us to answer. It takes me a while to get into the flow of things as I plan out what I’m going to write, but the professor dashes out the door without a word as soon as the bell rings. As I gather my things, I suddenly realise that the campus is actually my old high school. The next day is a holiday and I get invited to go on a walk with a local student. We catch the train out of town and hike back through the countryside. The day after I’m back on campus and my local friends who aren’t students have asked me to show them around the new campus. We enter via the playing fields and reminisce about our past days. As we pass the old slide, it suddenly occurs to me that the professor didn’t set a date for us to finish the paper, and that I should make haste to finish it before the next lecture.

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