Saturday 2 November 2019

Network Cards

At work we’ve had problems selling network cards for some time. When we sell them, we’re usually prompted to swipe the card to activate it. However, since the new range launch the till proceeds with the sale but all we’re selling is a bit of cardboard with no monetary value. To combat the problem, they’ve issued us with replacement cards under a different selling code. To further complicate things, they’ve repaired the previous problem with a code that prints out after the transaction is completed. The most frustrating thing about this issue was that the company was very lax in informing us of their solution. This meant that people were still expecting cards to be swiped but nothing would happen. One simple briefing on the company’s network site would have resolved the matter. Instead, individuals would post the issue which meant that responses had to be answered; and of course not everyone is going to read every post.

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