Friday 16 December 2016

Train Tripping #dreamdiary 14

I'm delivering a package in Birmingham. I've had to take a train to get here, which is odd as I drive a van which is parked fifteen miles away and the delivery is out of my jurisdiction. But for some reason (perhaps there's a major traffic jam), I'm delivering to Birmingham Road in Birmingham rather than Birmingham Road in anywhere else. I complete the delivery and now have to get the next train back. I know that I have to get to platform eleven but I can only see signs for platforms one through nine. The entrance to the platforms are all tunnels with stairs leading down them with a tiled red ceramic border surrounding each semi-circle. And there are people out to get me. Wherever I walk, there's always people lounging around who are trying to trip me up as I pass. Eventually, I work out that I have to go down to the platforms and re-ascend onto a different concourse to reach my platform, but there's still plenty of people hanging about on the concourse who are trying to stick their ankles in front of me as I pass. 

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