Monday 5 December 2016

E.U Beauty at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch

Supporting Europe is stating that we’re prepared to let things stay the same. Their objectives state that we’re stronger together; and the free movement of people between neighbouring countries allows easier access to trade and the free market without being penalised for importing and exporting goods. It also allows member countries to take up jobs in other countries and gain benefits; even if the two separate countries are used to a different way of life. But it’s hard to see the benefits of being a member when you can clearly see that you’re better off on your own than having to work alongside other countries that are still under development. Voting to leave means that we won’t have to pay for projects to subsidise other countries. Our own government has more freedom to decide on our workers’ rights; and France has just introduced legislation that won’t affect UK workers so what’s the point?

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