Tuesday 6 December 2016

Left in the Snow #dreamdiary13

It’s snowing and it’s cold, and it’s a very bright morning. I’m standing on the pavement on the hill where I grew up. The road is clear but the pavement is covered in snow and bits of dirt where the road’s been cleared. Halfway up the hill stands my friend waiting for a lift to work in his scarf, hat and duffel coat. I ask him why he’s standing in that particular spot as it’s not outside his or my house or even at the bottom, and explain that it would be easier for him to wait at the bottom in case his ride is having trouble climbing the hill. Later, I walk into my neighbour’s house to try and find some answers as to where everyone is and I walk right into their empty kitchen before hearing a rattle in the garage. I head towards the garage but there’s only rats roaming about. 

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