Friday 23 December 2016

Ilkley Moor

No visit would have been complete without a trip to the promised moor. The summit is not much taller than Beamsley Beacon; though the car really did struggle to climb the hill. It’s a miracle as to how the town avoids flooding. It was desolate and completely silent owing to the recent downpour that we had just trudged through. A bunch of rocks masked a huge wall surrounding the path; and it could have easily been a film set for the Ringwraiths of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings. It’s the stuff of legends, as the tale goes that a giant split the rocks and separated the cow from the calf as he fled from his angry wife. There were paths climbing up either side to the top; which was the start of the moor itself; which is full of becks and streams, and on a sunny day it’s a great place to go for a marvellous view of the town. It’s a shame that we didn’t our walk here; but you can’t pick the weather when you choose to set out into the great outdoors. 

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