Sunday 25 December 2016

A Wet Wednesday

On the following morning, it continued to hail down. I wasn’t in the best of moods to trek into Otley for a true Yorkshire experience as it was hammering it down and we also had to take paddy out for a walk. This was a two hour walk around the fields, and we eventually entered a cemetery and tried to spot the angels in the graveyard. We didn’t walk over to the neighbouring tarn, but we did get a great view of the aeroplanes taking off at the adjacent airport. There was also a horse in the fields which occasionally escapes onto the road in search of food. I really didn’t want to cross the Chevin as it was still tipping it down, but I wasn’t getting much of a choice, and I couldn’t think of any local alternatives to do. I should have suggested Kirkstall Abbey; there’s a conspiracy to keep me away from the place. And so it was that we prepared ourselves for another long walk in the rain over to Otley.

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