Thursday 15 December 2016

Menwith Hill

The moor itself was a large plain which offered very little shelter from the elements. Even the sheep had disappeared. But we were committed to climbing the hill.  For some reason, the group had named it the lollipop walk; perhaps because the route may have been in the shape of a lollipop; or maybe because the walk may have been a long one. But as we trenched through the moors negotiating a path avoiding puddles and sunken grass, we were given lollipops to keep us going. On our most northern point, we stopped for a view of Menwith Hill, a military base for the Royal Air Force and communications station for the United States. Martin told me that a friend of his worked there as a cleaner, and had to bring his passport every time he had to enter the American side. We headed east to complete the next part of our circle; then came across a bricked wall which we were able to lean against and take shelter for our picnic break. We also bought some of the group’s raffle tickets. 

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