Saturday 24 December 2016

Bar Brawl #dreamdiary16

I'm at one of my favourite local bars. They've had a refurbishment and the bar is now parallel to the door; there's also higher tables which serve as benches. They have three new beers on; a martini beer at 6% which is somehow a porter; a 2% golden beer; and a peach beer at 4.3%. They've also started to accept vouchers to compete with other outlets. I order a peach beer and give them an expired voucher which they accept. While they pour my drink I go and say hello to my friends. When I turn back to the bar there are two glasses of orange stuff on the bar and a barmaid is pouring a third one out of a decanter. I take a sip and find that it's just juice; the barmaid points to a glass behind the bar and explains that that one is mine. She gives me my change and I work out that she's charged me £3.49. She has some trouble topping it up so I end up with a giant novelty sized glass and a half pint glass to top it up.  When she's finished, she hands me the glass which she's placed in a rectangular cooler that comes on a tray; the cooler produces a lot of steam and sparks as I place it on the table. The guy at the neighbouring table has his back to us but is leaning against ours and gets a head full of steam as I place it down. Naturally he's interested as to what it is and explain that it's peach beer and he's welcome to try some. He then downs the whole glass. I'm not happy that he's finished my whole drink and make a lunge for him. 

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