Saturday 10 December 2016

The Little One #scavenger4

‘There’s no chance in hell you’ll get through undetected. The base’s got more scanners than Goonhilly. Frankly, there’ll be the first site to make first contact with the equipment that they’ve got.’
‘But the site’s got basic security. There’s just a chain fence on the perimeter for crying out loud.’
‘Yes, but the instant they see an attack they’ll just pull the trigger.’
‘But I have the element of surprise here. I’ll be able to disarm their communications before they have the chance to launch.’
‘It’s a slim window of opportunity. POTUS has declared a negative.’
‘So we just sit here and wait for the world to end?’
‘We all have our orders.’
‘Screw the orders’.

Lee cocked his gun and headed outside. The tanker was still parked at the gas station. Quickly, he slid himself around to the passenger door and hoisted himself inside. He shuffled over to the driver’s side, and as soon as the door opened he punched the driver in the head.

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