Saturday 3 December 2016

101 uses for a Marquee

Deep in darkest Worcestershire, a marquee is erected on a field of its most prestigious sports clubs. It’s tall, it’s long, and its design looks like an aeroplane hanger. Plastic chairs are stacked in a corner, and in the centre people are busy at work constructing a huge rack for something else to rest upon. But what should it be used for? Is it to host a meeting of super villains who store their weapons deep beneath the earth? The tent acts to hide their activities and allows them to trade their secrets with other super villains and discuss tactics and sync diaries. There's seminars on how best to destroy your foe; the most secret manufacturers are showcasing their latest weapons; all while food and drink is being served in a humane environment. The caterers are sworn to secrecy. Or perhaps they’re disposed of afterwards. Or maybe people could be camping there? That is the original purpose of a tent.  It could also be used for weddings, shows, banquets or even a beer festival.

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